I finally arrived home after 10 long months on the road. I was hoping I would arrive before you so I could meet with you but as fate would have it; I was destined to remain in the cities. I wanted to thank you for the diligence you put forth in delivering our new clock and the time you spent in setting it up for us. My wife was as impressed with your friendly demeanor and professional attitude as I was with the product you sell. It is everything your web page states...and more. With the miasma lingering over the internet these days; it is often difficult to trust web sites for anything other than research. You can’t imagine what hopes some may have when ordering on-line only to discover the product they ordered was not what they thought it would be.
You certainly erase any doubt in business ethics by the integrity you profess, simply predicated by your actions and words as a gentleman…a quality seldom witnessed in our present business society. As a former cabinet maker of 25+ years; the “Sir Arthur” is a beautiful heirloom and one that my daughter will be proud to inherit. Its stately presence adds to the warmth and charm of that room and makes it even much more inviting. As our needs dictate; we will always look to you first for any of our future furniture needs and I would be foolish to consider anyone else…again; many thanks Gary and many blessings sir.
Happy holidays to you and yours with warmest regards,
Paul L.
Cheyenne Wyoming
Thanks Mr.L for your kind words. Have a wonderful holiday, and enjoy your new clock.